3 Tips for Buying Life Insurance – Wooster, OH

Life Insurance Wooster, OH 1) Review Your Financial SituationWhat do you have in place to support your loved ones financially if the unexpected happens? Assess your savings and debts, like a mortgage, to help get an idea of how much life insurance you need. 2) Choose a Life Insurance TypeThe two most common types of…

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What Life Insurance Can Do for You – Life Insurance Wooster, OH

Life Insurance Wooster, OH 1) Replace Income for DependentsIf you have dependents that rely on your income, kids for example, life insurance can replace your income if you unexpectedly pass away. 2) Pay Final ExpensesYou can relieve family members of financial burden, like funeral expenses, estate costs, and medical expenses. 3) Create an Inheritance for…

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Choosing a Life Insurance Payout Option – Life Insurance Wooster, OH

Life Insurance Wooster, OH Lump Sum Payout – This life insurance payout is a payout of the full amount of your policy and is the most common payout option. Retained Asset Account – You may have the option of keeping your payout in an interest-bearing account with your life insurance company. Life Income Payout – This…

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Experts Say Act Now on a Life Insurance Policy

If you currently don’t have a life insurance policy and were to get sick with the coronavirus, you can’t get a policy. Experts suggest if you can act now you should, as it may cost more and be more difficult to get a policy in the future. Existing policy holders are likely covered if they…

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Why Kelly is Happy She Pays for Life Insurance

Kelly decided to purchase a $41/month term life insurance policy providing $70,000 in coverage. She had firsthand experience of how life insurance can have a significant impact – Kelly lost her father. He had a life insurance policy that she was the beneficiary of, which covered funeral expenses and helped her to make a down…

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