3 Ways Disability Insurance Can Protect Your Income – Disability Insurance Wooster, OH


Disability Insurance Wooster, OH

  • 1) Paying Your Mortgage

    Disability insurance can cover your income in the event you're injured or sick and can't work. You can feel at ease knowing your mortgage payments and other debt obligations are covered.

  • 2) Family

    If you have dependents that rely on your income, enrolling in disability insurance can provide the income relief they need.

  • 3) Emergency Funds

    A financial cushion to cover your time off work, for months, may not be an option for you. In this case, disability insurance can be your personal emergency fund that's very affordable.

Feel comfort in knowing you're covered with a disability insurance plan. I can help you learn about your options and get you enrolled today.

Or Call:
(330) 439-4111

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